How does the LifePlan process work?

Day 1: We Gain Perspective
You must move from the valley floor to the vantage point of a mountaintop to get perspective on your life. A complete LifePerspective is developed using unique LifePlanning process tools.

We use comprehensive LifePlan™ diagnostic tools to help you clarify the following questions:
  • Who am I?
  • What are my talents?
  • How did I get to where I am right now?
  • How does my past contribute to God's plan for my future?
  • What perspective have I gained?

Day 2: We Create Your LifePlan™
Using your LifePerspective from Day 1, we create your LifePlan™ for each LifeDomain: Personal, Family, Vocation, Church, and Community.

Writing Your LifePlan™
  • What is my significance?
  • What is the current match with my success profile?
  • What is my plan or action for each domain?

Managing Your LifePlan™
  • Completing the Time Management Module
  • Recognizing when you are at a Point of Renewal
  • Selecting LifeMentors
  • Enjoying LifePlan™ Partner Retreats